Wednesday, April 16, 2008

O J’s Corner

Politicised curse

One cannot aspire for a divine rule in earthy lands, but the abominous politicised environs calls for consensus to be achieved by hooks or crooks for the development of Kerala. Otherwise, whatever is mooted by one political persuasion is questioned by the rivals and development gets thwarted. No one is willing to give credit to the rivals, even if beneficial projects are being implemented.

In a democratic society, politics cannot be given a go-by. Political involvement would help to solve many a problem, compared to the mechanical type of vetting and resolution of an issue by the bureaucrats.
There were many drawbacks to the people’s plan implemented in Kerala. But no one can deny the fact that a lot of innovative schemes were introduced as people’s representatives at the local level were involved. I don’t think officials at panchayat offices would have been able to craft and execute these schemes.

So there can be no two opinions that political involvement is a must. But politicians of all hues and persuasions should decide not to oppose beneficial schemes.

Kerala is lacking in essential raw-materials for big manufacturing sector. We don’t have coal, iron deposits. Perhaps we can think about supporting big budget schemes using coastal sand full of ilmenite, titanium and other rare elements.

But then there is no consensus among political parties. Why can’t we think about supporting companies manufacturing computer, electronics, nanotechlogy, biotechnology hardware? But then you cannot oppose the very thought of involving companies from developed nations.

There should not be ideological opposition to inviting firms to the state to manufacture devices that are products of hi-tech innovations. We don’t have companies based in Kerala manufacturing mobile phones, landline handsets, television sets, DVDs, computers, refrigerators, cars, two-wheelers and what not.

Politicians should delve deep into the situation that has come to being in Kerala where no big company is prepared to set up its manufacturing unit.
The root of the matter is deeply entrenched in opposition from all political sides to welcome manufacturing companies to set up shop here.

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