Friday, September 02, 2016

An actor has been caught for alleged exposure to school girls; unfortunate guy

A budding actor has been caught allegedly for misbehaving with school girls as he was passing by them in a car.

The girls allege he had exposed himself before them.

It is definitely an unfortunate moment for him. Whether the allegation would be proved before a court of law or not, this is definitely a blow for him for the moment.

Strike paralyses life in Kerala; No one can deter the political wave

Most of the trade unions joined the all-India strike called ostensibly for various rights of the working class in Kerala. 

In other States, the effect was partial. Since the BMS is an affiliate of the BJP, it had not participated in the strike.

These days people have no choice but to toe the line of the politically minded people.
If one distances oneself from these political processes, there would be isolation.

The world has evolved much.

Wednesday, May 04, 2016

Cruelty against women in Kerala mounting, strong action should be taken

There can be no justification for the rape and murder of Jisha in Perumbavoor in Kerala, which is nothing but the epitome of cruelty. The woman was aspiring to become a lawyer in spite of financial handicaps.. She had no house, no toilets at home, no regular income.

The killer or killers are still at large, after the heinous act has been committed a few days ago.
Now reports say a nursing student was gang-raped at Varkala.
Worse still, an old woman was raped in Chirayinkeezh, according to reports.

Is it that women can be attacked like this and in some cases killed.

Denial of punishment at the right time is adding to the propensity to commit such crimes, it seems.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Let the government provide social security measures, many evils will depart

In developed economies, it is the bounden duty of the government to dole out social security measures to  their citizens. The government gives adequate money to the people to continue to live a decent life.

There is a country-wide social security department which provides  social security number. The officials responsible for monitoring the lives of the people do regular checking.

India has gone in for adopting the capitalist system, but it has not started taking measures to clamp an all-India social security department.

If the government provides livelihood like this to all, many social evils like dowry system, caste system etc would hot have their vice grip over society.

Women will be greatly empowered, for they need not depend on others for their survival.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

He is a money making man, even while being a fugitive

Vijay Mallya is the sort of man who makes money wherever he is. Now reports say he has got Rs 1.7 crore from a US liquor firm for promoting its beer brands.

Authorities in India have been trying hard to secure Rs 9,000 crore from him for default of loans taken by him from various banks.

Let him make money, wherever he is, but the people’s money which he received from banks should be repaid.

Monday, March 28, 2016

LDF not supporting P C George is big blow for him

P.C.George who has embittered many a politician in Kerala has not found favour with the CPM in Kerala. It has decided not to support him in Poonjar constituency in Kottayam district in the ensuing Assembly elections.

It seems PC George was hoping against hope that the LDF would support him, now that he has deserted the Congress-led UDF.

That the CPM has allotted Poonjar seat to the Democratic Kerala Congress led by Francis George is big blow for P.C.George.

In any case P.C.George would contest in Poonjar and it may present a four-cornered battle.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Mallya or Quattrocchi, what difference it makes to common man?

What difference it makes to the common man whether it is Vijay Mallya or Ottavio Quattorcchi who had fleeced the country?

These days  reports  abound about Vijay Mallya leaving the country without repaying loans of up to or more than Rs 7,000 crore to banks  .Reminders have also come  about Ottavio Quattrocchi of the Bofors fame escaping from the country those days.

Speeches are there tit for tat, but what does the common man benefit out of the argumentative class.
Be it Vijay Mallya or Ottavio Quattrocchi, money has been lost and this money should have been in the exchequer. The money in the exchequer belongs to the common man who is now finding it difficult to make both ends meet.

At one direction, people are living in luxury, perhaps out of ill-gotten money, but at the other extreme crores of people are wallowing in poverty.

No one is above the law of existence

Pictures of Super Star Amitabh Bacchan crossing the streets of Delhi unnoticed in a masked appearance have been released by him.

One must realize that the people don’t take cognizance of others unless feelers are sent to them. Often we see hundreds of people thronging the venues of activities of film stars, ministers, various politicians and leaders.

It must be understood that popularity and publicity are ephemeral. King-emperors and ruthless rulers have hovered over planet earth for some time. But then they vanish from the planet after some time.

No one is above the laws of existence

Tuesday, March 08, 2016

Good that the govt has withdrawn tax on EPF withdrawals

After much heckling from all quarters, the Union Government has seen reason and taken steps to withdraw the tax clamped on EPF withdrawals.

Earlier, the government had taxed 60 per cent of the withdrawals from the EPF by the employees.

All hell had broken loose on clamping the tax on employees.

The employees have only one source of getting some cash throughout their career. That is on superannuation when they can withdraw the EPF accruals in bulk. It was this benefit that was taxed.

Finance Minister Arun Jaitley announced  in the Lok Sabha on Tuesday that he was withdrawing the tax. It seems Prime Minister Narendra Modi had prodded him to fall in line.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

CPM has no other go but to co-operate with chosen parties

The central committee of the CPM has allowed its West Bengal unit to craft an electoral strategy that will see a situation for it to co-operate with democratic forces in West Bengal.

The party had been decimated in West Bengal at the hands of Mamata Banerjee’s Trinamul Congress.

Comrades in Kerala are by and large against any truck with the Congress Party, for they fear that would ring the death knell for it in Kerala where Congress is its main foe.

Whatever understanding it arrives at in West Bengal, it would be tedious to oust Mamata Banerjee, for she has already secured a strong position in that State.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Aedes egypti mosquitoes swarm Kerala, authorities are not bothered

I have been amused by reports emanating from Brazil that the military personnel have been deployed in Rio to make measures to control the spread of mosquitoes.

They go from house to house with insecticides to kill the menacing flies.

The Aedes egypti variety causes a lot of diseases like dengue fever, chikun gunia, debilitating guillain-barre syndrome and now Zika. Brazil is shattered by the outbreak of Zika virus. There is no treatment for the disease.
In Kerala, roads and public places and households are piled up with wastes and rotten stuff. This situation is game for outbreak of the dreaded diseases.

The authorities should take measures to wipe out the mosquitoes.

Bad debts pile up to this extent?

The Supreme Court of India has asked the Reserve Bank of India to list out the loan defaulters from among the big loanees.

Now the court has sought the names of people who had got their loans amounting to Rs 500 crore and above written off by the lending banks.

Think about the situation when a student has to struggle hard with the bank authorities to get a puny amount as loan for his or her education.

The banks levy up to or around 16 per cent of interest. And whatever money is repaid by the student is accounted for only with regard to the interest and not the capital of the loan portion. The loanee would never be absolved from the loan trap.

At this juncture, the banks have no qualms to spirit off thousands of crores of rupees to the big shark. Their debt is simply waived off. 

Do not mislead rubber growers

Every politician worth the salt in Kerala is saying he or she is hell-bent on helping the rubber growers who are hit hard by sharp price decline.

Earlier, the grower used to get Rs 240 per kilogramme of rubber, while now he gets less than Rs 100.

The politician’s tall talk about subsidy and other perks has not helped the grower a wee-bit.

The State Government says it had paid about Rs 100 crore by way of subsidy.

Still, why the grower refuses to go in for tapping?  The truth is simple, rubber cultivation is no more a gainful employment.

Sunday, February 07, 2016

Commissioning works on time, the PM's call is relevant

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has called for constructing and commissioning works on time.

This would definitely save a lot of money from the exchequer by way of cost over-runs.

Usually contractors are hands-in-glove with the authorities for having a stint more with the sort of work they are undertaking so that they could claim compensation for delay and higher rates for the rest of the work. This is depleting the exchequer.

What is happening in Kerala, everything turned upside down?

Political space in Kerala, the Southern-most State of India, is vitiated by everyday reporting of affairs of Saritha, Solar scam and bar bribery cases.

It is high time things turned better for the hearts and minds of the people with savoury stuff.

Let us hope the judicial commission going into the details of the Solar scam would come out with a truthful report and set at rest all rumours and bad stuff.