Saturday, September 29, 2012

Add your Comment One cannot block FDI, one cannot let in everything and have a free-for-all Those who oppose Foreign Direct Investment of any sort, in a fundamentalist view, should postulate alternative policy approach. The alternative policy approach should not be like don't hike taxes, prices, don't press income-generating ways, but the government should underwrite everything. There was criticism about the statement of Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh that money does not grow on trees. Perhaps his averrment was not couched in unintelligible economic jargon, but it was a crass observation that should hammer the heads of common folks. Actually, the opposition should be on not utilising the humongous amounts of money that would accrue by way of liberalisation, FDI and the like for the larger benefit of the common people. What happens in India is that a major portion of windfall profits is gobbled up by vested interests. In developed countries, windfall profits provide a lot of money to the government. Here in India, celebrity chartered accountants prepare accounts in such a way that those who earn maximum windfall profits would have zero balance. Therefore, where should we put the control button? That is the crucial question.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Unmanned level crossings, bullet tanker explosions are death traps Accidents like the car-train hit at unmanned level crossing at Aroor in which five lives were lost, including that of an infant, and gas tanker tragedy which had claimed 22 lives are most unfortunate. Such loss of lives is cruel since there can be no warning about the impending danger. Railways together with state governments should take urgent steps to put an end to leaving unmanned level crossings open. Unmanned level crossings are an open invitation to death and devastation. Who will take responsibility for the loss of lives? The same was the case with regard to leakage of gas from the bullet tanker which had exploded and caused a conflagration all around. People who were sound asleep could not even run for their lives. There are billionaires and thousands of millionaires in our country, but rustic facilities prevail in India, that is Bharat.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Triple whammy for the people, but they are patience personified People of India, particularly those in Kerala, should be praised for their immense patience for suffering the hardships in many ways. The Government of India has hiked the price of diesel and cut down the quantum of subsidised LPG cylinders. I am sure there would be many more such acts of administrative adventure. But then shall we suffer protests also each time? The present acts are definitely deleterious to the common people. But then one hartal has passed off, in protest, on Saturday. Now there is another all-India life-stilling protest, hartal of course, on September 20. Will these hartals prod the government to backtrack? Not indeed. These would only help the political parties which call for such action. If the protesting parties are indeed sincere, they should withdraw support for the government. But they would not, for they have two more years to go to remain MPs, and some Ministers. Meanwhile, the people would suffer, first the governmental pouncing ,and then the protests of the parties. Whenever the government goes in for a hike in price, it is sure the system would absorb it. The same is the case with protest hartals as well.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Development is a must; many things can be done without harming environment Kerala needs all-round development, in infrastructure, manufacturing, services,higher education, job provision and what not. Therefore, developmental projects are a must.And at the same time, there should not be large-scale devastation of the environment. What we have to do with regard to Emerging Kerala projects are, to take up those which do not harshly impact the environment. The people at large should not be made to suffer in land acquisition. Land acquisition everywhere is an eye-sore only because we do not develop an attitude towards the victims whose lands have been taken over. Compensation should be multi-fold than what we give now. A system should be in place by which houses should be built for those who lose the same. Only after rehabilitating them, should the lands and house buildings should be acquired. Land acquisition should turn out to be a pleasant experience. Let the developments take on from now, with the people being felt happy about it.

Sunday, September 09, 2012

VS may pursue fight only if action is taken against him Opposition Leader V.S.Achuthanandan had said that a CBI probe into the murder of RMP leader T.P.Chandrasekharan would bring out the truth. His overt averrment was that the allegations against CPM leaders could be set to rest, even though his covert thinking was that the CBI probe would nail some more CPM leaders, perhaps big fish. Politburo member Sitaram Yechuri had also said there was no harm in having a CBI inquiry. For, from the beginning the CPM had openly welcomed any type of investigation. Now the whole scenario has changed, with oficial Kerala leaders of the party successfully bargaining for ruling out the CBI probe. Prakash Karat himself has come out openly against the CBI probe, saying it is an attempt at trapping leaders of the party. Now what will V.S.Achuthanandan do? Everyone thinks that he would raise the bogey of another revolt. Perhaps, he may write more letters to the central committee, which is his forum. And then, in the end if no action is taken against him for various instances of breach of party discipline, he may virulently go in for attack on the UPA II dispensation and corruption issues. And this issue may gradually get eclipsed. But, VS may go in for doing something about T.P.murder case, if there is any attempt to downgrade him further in the party.

Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Comment on PM' tragic figure: It should have been best ignored The comment by Washington Post, not the Government of the US, about Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh as a tragic figure should have been best ignroed. You cannot force a foreign newspaper to change its stance, if it believes that its posture is right. But what can simply be done is to place facts and figures before the foreign paper to disprove the allegation. Maybe, it will also publish the averrments on behalf of the Prime Minister. There may be politics and partisan attitude on the part of the foreign paper, but such interferences should stir us up to action to make our nation a vibrant one. No doubt, particularly because of the beleagured nature of the UPA II Government due to the pressures of front politics, largely of a regional nature, the government lacks vibrancy. All MPs, even those who oppose Dr Manmohan Singh, want the dispensation to continue. Therefore, policies and programmes are fine-tuned in accordance with the death wish of continuity. Taking action against widespread corruption after the instances have been notified by vetting agencies like the Comptroller and Auditor General may not be impressive. There is lack of machinery and the will to ensure prevention of corruption. There remains much to be done, still India is a sovereign country. And let the MPs, in a democracy, decide as to how to govern the country. If the people are disgusted, they will throw them out next time. But when would be the next time?