Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Munnar mission again?

Chief Minister V S Achuthanandan has embarked upon another Munnar mission. It should be made clear who is being appeased?

In the earlier mission by his own chosen officials, various individuals, institutions and parties, including his own partymen from Idukki, had expressed reservations, if not stiff resistance. The Chief Minister has to beat a hasty retreat, from his chosen line of action and his avowed ideology.

The present attempt seems to be to alleviate the sufferings of some landless people. Perhaps he intends to dole away pieces of land to the landless from the seized lands.

Whatever action is being pursued in Munnar is besotted with a lot of problems. It would not be easy task, as so many players, interests and institutions are involved.

Now there seems to be dearth of faithful officials as well. The so-called conscience-keepers have all left the scene, for one reason or other.

And there cannot be a commando-like operation. That will enthuse the commoners, but legal and other relevant aspects have also to be kept in mind.

O J George

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Innocence par excellence

I was living quite near the Qutab Minar in South Delhi for a few years. I am quite familiar to the Mehrauli market area where a bomb blast took place the other day. I felt like a baby crying for cruel elements eliminating human beings. One cannot kill a cat like this.

The Mehrauli area is known for its network of narrow lanes in the market. I remember the flower market lies in the beginning portion of the market network. Memories are vivid like I have been living there even now.

Youth are brainwashed to undertake acts of murder and cruelty in the name of religion we have heard. The undesirable argument is that if one becomes a martyr, he would go to heaven instantly.

In the present instance, it appears two youths left a packet in the area. Santosh, a 13-year-old boy saw the packet falling from the motorcycle. He ran after the youths with the packet shouting, “uncle you have forgotten to take your packet”. Don’t you feel like crying? The innocent boy was so truthful that he ran after the terrorists to help them out with their packet.

Would the Gods, of whichever religion they be, not grant instant moksha to this boy? What a perplexing world we live in?

Friday, September 26, 2008

O J’s Corner

Discrminatory conversion

I chanced upon some statistics about conversion of people into Buddhism. It seems there is discrimination about opposition to Christian conversion. Why are people violently disposed against Christians, whose missionaries had done a yeoman’s work to uplift the uneducated, superstitious people of yore? I am against all kinds of forcible conversion, or conversion which is inducement-generated. But this discrimination in treating Buddhist conversion and Christian conversion is inexplicable. Christians themselves should introspect about why there is so much of opposition against the grand religion whose bedrock belief is renunciation and service to others.

Coming to the figures, as many as 25,000 people got converted into Buddhism in 2005 in India, the figure rose to 45,000 in 2006 and more than one lakh in 2007. There was a grand function in Mumbai marking the occasion of the birth anniversary of Dr B R Ambedkar.

There should be serious introspection about the revulsion the Christians face at least among the hearts of a few.Maybe, we are not living the life of a Christian. Simple living and high thinking has become antediluvian.

Friday, September 19, 2008

O J’s Corner

Aswathy and her ilk would curse

Recently we heard about a girl, Awathy, hailing from Wayanad district, committing suicide as her bid to get admission to the plus one course had failed. She hailed from the tribal hamlet in Wayanad district. This time the plus one admission was through the single-window system. The government put down laws for admission. People should browse internet to know their position in the rank list for admission. Aswathy and her family members were living in the far-off forest hamlet. To come out of the forest domain, they should walk the difficult terrain for a day or more. They reached town on a few occasions and the procedure was not full. The school authorities could not do anything. It was impossible for her to know whether she would get admission. After a few attempts, the girl turned despondent and committed suicide.

We should mull over the situation. What is the directive principle enshrined in the Constitution? The state should strive to give suitable education for all. I would say if one has proved competence, he should be given the education he/she deserves, be it medicine, eingineering, computer technology or what not. Facilities lacking, there would be fierce competition. The have-nots are thrown away. The haves find admission in costly institutions. But let us not rest content that everything is hunky dory.

Even tribal hamlets, poramboke settlements and other tenements have bright students. I have seen brilliant students coming out magnificently well in life, challenging the struggles in slums in Dharavi, Bhandup and other chawls in Mumbai. IAS and IPS officers have been generated from these chawls.

No hurdle should be placed before brilliant students to come up in life. It is the duty of the society to help them.
O J’s Corner

Why are we the way we are?

It is a million-dollar question? We are born and brought up well nourished and taken care of extremely well. Take the case of those living around us. Some are well off, but many are going through untold miseries. Why did it come like this to them? Was it there choice? Was it our choice?

Where is the answer to the questions/? No one is here to answer. Job wanted to ask a lot of questions to God Almighty. But when God appeared before him, he was not given time to ask questions. God asked him some questions and Job was humbled.

Let there be myriad instances of good work done to fellow human beings. One has to gift things to fellow human beings, cash, dress or other things. Giving away things removes the curses, the sins and acts of hatred.

Hinduism has a special place in acts of gift. This would provide a cover to the protagonist from having rebirth in the form of dogs, cats, cows and other beings.

The soul or bioplasmic bodies would never get destroyed. Only the physical body which is mortal dies. The bioplasmic bodies hover over all places and find safe haven in other beings.

In this world where we livd for a few decades at the most, why are there so much acts of hatred, ill-will and selfishness? There is no room for such acts, but people do not understand.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

O J’s Corner

Malayali’s mind etched in Onam canvas

I have always been wondering how and why Malayalis got together to celebrate Onam this big way. Was this an occasion to please all children in the families? We tell stories to the kids who, with their inquisitive minds, probe further and seek further. The grandmas telling stories to the young ones reach a crescendo that children believe everthing the old ones reveal. It may be about some poltergeist, chathan, arukola, maadan and the like, all feisty spirits capable of bringing devastation. My son is still horribly afraid of snakes. He has not seen a snake in his life. Once we went to the zoo and he kept off the reptile section, for fear of the snakes. He is also afraid of darkness. No doubt, the fear has come from the grandma telling stories in high drama. All right, let us leave it like that.

Come to Onam. Today is Thiru Onam, not only in Kerala, but also in the minds of all Malayalis living the world over. Be they Hindus, Christians or Muslims, they have a particular paranoia about Onam. These days the folks have been queuing up before all sorts of outlets vending edible and non-edible items. The occasion is so inclusive that computer firms, electric appliances dealers, and all have special packages. I don’t’ know why book sellers have not offered a new deal.

In olden times, when many people did not have sumptuous meals on all days, it was the Onam time when the family members had delicious full meals all through the 10-day festival from Attham to Thiru Onam. The beauty of the festival is that even the new generation has taken a liking for the legendary event. It seems the ardour would only increase in course of time. So, three cheers for the annual visit of Mahabali who wants to see all his subjects in camaraderie.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

O J’s Corner

Amount meager, tradition great

I was amused by the tradition of the Kerala State Government offering panakkizhi (cash bag) to the women successors of the erstwhile Cochin dynasty.

In Kottayam, the government representative called on Soumyavathi Thampuratti, one of the 62 surviving women successors of the Cochin royalty, on Wednesday and presented her with the cash bag in all reverence and ceremony.
Do you know, how much the cash bag contained? The amount was Rs 15. In fact, the State Government is obliged to give only Rs 14 and a few coins. But of late, the Government was magnanimous enough to round off the figure to Rs 15.

After Travancore and Cochin kingdoms got themselves into the State of Kerala, it had become the bounden duty of the government to continue this practice. In fact, an order was passed by the government in October 1961 regarding the purse to be given over to the women members

The practice was started by some kings in the Cochin dynasty to enable the women members of the royalty to buy new clothes on the occasion of Onam, which is a great celebration in Kerala, which to others is a form of harvest festival.

Legends have it that in times of yore, an Asura king had ruled the state. Everything was hunky dory. The king took care of the needs of all his subjects. Gods were jealous about it and the asura king was trapped to give away the land to one of the Gods. Mahabali went to the nether world. He was allowed to make an ethereal visit to the land of Kerala once a year. It is during his visit that Keralites celebrate Onam, according to the legends.

Sunday, September 07, 2008

O J’s Corner

Hair splitting on nuke deal

I was wondering why there is so much hair splitting on the nuke deal. India is entering into the 123 agreement with the US on the express provisions that the civil and military nuclear facilities would be separated and the deal covers only the civil amenities. Americans may have difficulty in stomaching the fact that India’s military nuclear projects would continue. Therefore, their governmental leaders would employ all the tactics to get the Congressmen on their side.

To my understanding, there is express provision to the effect that if India conducts another test, the US may withdraw from the present supply deal. Then India would be given a year’s time to look for other ways. India would be compensated for the losses.

India being a vast country with 1.3 billion people cannot be kowtowed by another country. If the deal goes off, the world will not come down. There can be supplies until disagreements turn up.